Unsanctioned Wizards
The unofficial, official collection of 4,096 unsanctioned wizards
The unofficial, official collection of 4,096 unsanctioned wizards
Unsanctioned Wizards is a pfp collection of 4,096 wizards on Bitcoin, a derivative of mavensbot's original Bitcoin Wizards collection.
The collection is a celebration of mavensbot and his community's rich lore. Its traits contain references to marven's OG collection, events within his community, and iconic wizard memes along the way.
The art for the collection was done by Daya, the genius behind your favorite wizard memes.
It's probably a good time to introduce you to NomadTheSavior. He's our super hero mod, esteemed gladiator, and most importantly, keeper of officially sanctioned wizard derivatives.
Safe to say, Officer Nomad has NOT sanctioned us. That should make you bullish.
If you're confused, now is a good time to read our story →
The Unsanctioned Wizards collection is being released in two magical phases! 🪄
2,048 Unsanctioned Wizards (50% of supply)
Snapshot taken on block 876186
2,048 Unsanctioned Wizards (50% of supply)
Launch date:
January 20, 2025
ORGANIC•BITCORN is Bitcoin memecoin released by the UW team. It ain't much, but it's an honest coin.
The entire $CORN supply was airdropped to the wizard community for free, 95% to $WZRD holders and 5% to Bitcoin Wizard ordinal holders. Many weren't sure this was possible.
The origins of ORGANIC•BITCORN and Unsanctioned Wizards are intertwined, a web of lore you can attempt to unravel.